The Best WordPress Table Plugins 2020: An Ultimate Talk

Hi everyone! Today, we are going to talk a lot about WordPress table plugins for business websites. We will also introduce to you the most required of them. Hopefully, 您不会想知道为什么使用插件比自己创建和插入表更好, do you? 🙂

WordPress table plugin.

好吧,一个好的WordPress表插件为它的所有者提供了现代的即用型表单,比如 pricing table, timetable or event schedule. This saves time greatly and guarantees a modern design you won’t be ashamed of.

WordPress table plugins are quite handy, as well as the CMS. For sure, they will bring you impressive results even without the help of professionals. So, if you want to get the best WP table plugins, keep on reading!

Table of Contents

  1. What Are WordPress Pricing Table Plugins?
  2. Key Principles to Use Pricing Table Plugins Effective
  3. Top WordPress Pricing Table Plugins You Absolutely Need in 2020
  4. What Are WordPress Timetable and Event Schedule Plugins?
  5. The Best WordPress Timetable and Event Schedule Plugin 2020
  6. Free Guide to Use Timetable and Event Schedule by MotoPress
  7. Wrapping It Up

What Are WordPress Pricing Table Plugins?

Pricing tables are indispensable for both standalone landing pages, as they often include call-to-action buttons, and eCommerce websites, as they provide comprehensive information about an offer. Moreover, when it comes to products and services with several pricing plans, 如果不将其应用到价格表中,几乎不可能执行一个像样的号召性行动.

As for WordPress sites, the easiest way to add such a table is to install a suitable WordPress table plugin. Our clients are fortunate in this matter. Do you know that all business WordPress themes by Templateog体育首页 go with customizable pricing tables? This simplifies everything substantially.

Also, if you need more extensions for your WP site, you can save a ton of time subscribing ONE Membership. There you'll find thousands of best products for website building and project creating. We'll provide you with themes and templates, graphics and stock images, and others. Plus, our professional 24/7 support is already included.

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Talking about pricing table WordPress plugins, they will come in handy for those of you who run eCommerce sites. So, if you simply want to update your web page with a usable pricing table, you’ve found the right post.

Having an eCommerce site, you need to develop a design that sells. Alongside with making it usable and easy-to-follow, it should clearly introduce the audience to your pricing policy. Reaching an online store, the first thing modern buyers are interested in is numbers. So, stuffing it with effective and clear pricing tables is a must. Today, we offer you to consider the best free and premium WordPress table plugins, which you may safely download or buy without many efforts.

Key Principles to Use WP Pricing Table Plugins Effective

Running an eCommerce site selling one or a range of products with some options, 你应该考虑选择一个有效的价目表,这将明确可用,并帮助你提高转化率. 在我们进入WordPress表插件列表之前,先看看如何最有效地使用它们:

  • Make it easy as breathing. Statistics show that simpler pricing sells the best. Modern customers don’t read, they skim. If your pricing page is easy to understand and doesn’t feature any unnecessary stuff, it’s likely to improve your conversions. What is more, the pricing should be easy to compare. Providing users with the cost of one specific item, offer them a couple of alternatives. Once they see the most appropriate offer, they won’t hesitate to add it to the cart.
  • Offering several alternatives you can help people with decision-making. 向他们提供这个或那个产品/服务/计划吹嘘的关键功能的简短而清晰的描述, don’t forget to mention the price tag, and let them choose. As a rule, the most popular offer is placed somewhere in the middle, so you may follow this trend and put emphasis on it.
  • Provide users with several currency options. This is particularly important if you target the international market. It goes without saying that most of the US citizens would prefer paying in $, whereas Europeans choose €. 剥夺人们选择货币的机会,你将失去收入和客户.
  • Make it interactive. Have you ever met a person who hasn’t played Google’s Doodles at least once in his/her life? You may add some playfulness to your pricing page and make it more engaging. People like to press buttons to see what would happen next. Provide them with such a possibility. Let them entertain while shopping.
  • A buyer should always feel that they are in control. Nobody wants to be surprised or fooled when it comes to money questions. 所以,强烈建议告诉人们付款完成后会发生什么.

As you see, pricing page design is all about clearness and simplicity. Your eCommerce website will be accessed by people of various nationalities, with different life philosophies and ideologies. So, make it usable!

And now, let us introduce to you the most popular and high-rated WordPress table plugins for adding responsive pricing tables!

Top WordPress Pricing Table Plugins You Absolutely Need in 2020

JetTabs - Tabs and Accordions for Elementor Page Builder WordPress Plugin

WordPress table plugin.

JetTabs is an addon for Elementor Bage Builder. With it, you'll create pricing tables in a few clicks and customize them in real-time. JetTabs itself adds even more value to Elementor. 现在,您可以在不编写代码的情况下将您的商业网站个性化到最小的细节.

The setup and personalization process for Tabs and Accordions for Elementor Page Builder WP Plugin is super intuitive.

Anyone with no experience in web development can work with it in a few simple steps:

  • Create a new section and drop the widget there;
  • add as many columns as you need;
  • personalize the widget’s design using the Style section;
  • customize Header, Icon, Pricing, Action Box, and Action Button;
  • duplicate the section as many times as you need and change headers and prices;
  • add features to your product or service by clicking Add item;
  • edit the margins if necessary;
  • Enjoy!

Explore the potential of this premium extension for WordPress sites!

Pricing Tables WordPress Plugin – Easy Pricing Tables

WordPress table plugin.

Easy Pricing Tables is a popular WordPress table plugin for business websites. After you’ve created your pricing table, you can incorporate you into any page or post using a shortcode. You can use your own CSS code, which means that the plugin will work for any theme. 也可以通过标记为特色并稍微改变其设计来突出显示某个列.

The premium version offers, even more, options: 10 professional designs, extended customization, pricing toggles, Google Analytics integration, and more.

Pricing Table by Supsystic

WordPress table plugin.

This pricing WordPress table plugin is supplied with a drag&drop table builder. You can modify the design of your pricing blocks, add images and videos, select from a number of button styles, etc. The plugin also supports hover animations and badges for featured columns.

Additionally, there is a paid version, which comes bundled with a pack of premium templates.

Pricing Table by Supsystic
Pricing Table by Supsystic
Price: Free

Responsive Pricing Table

WordPress table plugin.

响应价格表是一个免费的WordPress插件,用于企业网站和登陆页面. You can choose the color of any element of your table and the currency, add any number of features for any plan and implement icons.

The free version is unlimited, 除了它缺少两个只有PRO版本才有的功能——一组预制皮肤工具提示.

Responsive Pricing Table
Responsive Pricing Table
Developer: WP Darko
Price: Free

WRC Pricing Tables

WordPress table plugin.

这个免费的WordPress表插件使您能够为您的网站创建完全可定制的价格表,然后轻松地修改它们&drop way. It allows for creating unlimited feature rows and package columns, rearranging rows and columns, using your own CSS code, and more. You can also change the color of content blocks and ribbons using a color picker.

The premium version of this plugin includes 11 pre-designed skins, the ability to import and export tables, PayPal button integration and pricing toggles.

Pricing Table by PickPlugins

WordPress table plugin.

这个灵活的WordPress表插件旨在帮助您为您的产品和服务创建专业的价格表. The plugin comes shipped with 5 themes and tons of options. You will be able to add custom images and ribbons, embed videos from YouTube and Vimeo and include multiple featured columns.

The tables can be incorporated into your website via a shortcode.

Pricing Table by PickPlugins
Pricing Table by PickPlugins
Developer: pickplugins
Price: Free


WordPress table plugin.

这个定价表生成器由ARPrice为您提供了一个功能强大的实时表编辑器. It is fully responsive, 支持谷歌字体,包括桌面和移动版本的表格的实时预览.

As for the premium version, it boasts extended customization options, toggle buttons, integrated analytics and more than 200 pre-made table styles. It is also compatible with Visual Composer. And, what do you think about this WordPress table plugin?

Pricing Table Plugin
Pricing Table Plugin
Developer: Repute InfoSystems
Price: Free


WordPress table plugin.

这个免费的WordPress价格表插件允许您创建包含数十个元素和内容块的非常详细的价格表. You can reorder columns and rows according to your needs, clone an existing table, insert tooltips, and more. The tables are being placed via a shortcode.

Developer: W3 Eden, Inc.
Price: Free


WordPress table plugin.

Pricer Ninja is a powerful tool for adding responsive pricing tables to your website. After you’ve signed up to, you get access to a convenient editor with a vast choice of options. Literally, thousands of pricing tables have been made using this service, and all of them are unique in terms of design and layout. Check this WordPress table plugin!


WordPress table plugin.

Pricing Table by ThemesCode is a free WordPress plugin, 它允许您轻松构建轻量级和极简的定价和计划比较表. With the free version, you will get unlimited columns and rows, unlimited color schemes and the ability to display your tables using a shortcode.

The PRO version comes with 10 professional flat themes, several column shapes, 4 styles of ribbons, and the support of FontAwesome icons.

Pricing Table
Pricing Table
Developer: themesCode
Price: Free

Pricing Tables For WPBakery Page Builder 

WordPress table plugin.

This WordPress table plugin has been designed specifically as an add-on for Visual Composer. It allows you to create responsive pricing tables for your WordPress website, and also modify them, include custom headings, enables animations, etc.


WordPress table plugin.

Here is a drag-n-drop tool for building pricing, comparison or feature tables for your WordPress site. 这是实现它的最简单的方法,有50多个集成的表格模板和无限的配色方案. Have a precise look at this WordPress table plugin!

Responsive CSS3 Pricing Tables for WordPress

WordPress table plugin.

The last but not the least on our list is Responsive CSS3 Pricing Tables for WordPress. 它有多种风格可供选择,有深色和浅色可供选择. Each of the styles has 16 different color schemes. Being fully responsive, the plugin will automatically adjust to any type of desktop and handheld devices.

What Are WordPress Timetable and Event Schedule Plugins?

Before you put the agenda of your next conference into an Excel spreadsheet, or a CrossFit training schedule in PDF and upload it to a website, stop for a second and think about your potential customers and visitors.

Using Excel or anything of a kind, 您为他们提供了一种执行简单任务的艰难方法——查找所需的事件信息. Providing such a user experience is not the best way to keep your business up. Not in this time and day.

Looking for alternatives, many WordPress website owners, who deal with setting up various types of events, 坚持在网站上使用日历视图来安排时间表——这是响应性的,用户很容易理解所呈现的信息.

尽管在WordPress中设置表格以便在不同设备上正确查看仍然很困难, ready-made WordPress table plugins already solve this issue. 它们中的大多数都提供可定制的事件日历或时间表,以提供分类事件. 这是增加整体用户体验的正确方向,可以帮助读者可视化和区分事件信息,而无需重定向到任何地方. Your visitors also won't have to download or enlarge a downloaded file with a schedule.

Now, we are going to tell you about one such solution – free WordPress Timetable and Event Schedule plugin by MotoPress. It boasts of extremely high download rates and the loyalty of users all over the world.

The Best WordPress Timetable and Event Schedule Plugin 2020

Timetable and Event Schedule by MotoPress

WordPress table plugin.

In short, some core benefits of this WordPress table plugin include:

  • 响应式设计(可选择为移动设备设置表格或列表视图);
  • fully customizable event parameters and appearance;
  • a variety of time frames, sortable events;
  • import and export of timetable content, etc.


So, if you need to display a timetable of different gym classes, case-studies, ceremonies, formal parties, concerts or others in an appealing user-friendly table, save this post! Or, let's create your responsive schedule right now?

Free Guide to Use Timetable and Event Schedule by MotoPress


Once this WordPress table plugin is installed and activated, start with adding columns, so you have “a place” for your further events. Go to Timetable > Add column. All you need on this step is to create a column name, optionally add a description, and define a column type:

  • simple column;
  • a specific day/days;
  • a specific date.

Then navigate to Timetable > Add event. Here you have a bit more work to do. Apart from event title and description, customize your event using the following options:

  • 为这些特定事件添加时隙:定义一个列来显示这些事件, set start and end time, 添加一个简短的描述和事件标题(你可以通过WordPress仪表板上的用户菜单添加更多的用户和他们的图像). You can add as many timeslots for each event as needed.

WordPress table plugin.

  • Customize your event using the following settings: add event subtitle, specify a background color and hover color, text color and text hover color, 可选地添加一个自定义事件URL(所以点击事件标题用户将被重定向到外部网站).

WordPress table plugin.

  • Add tags, 分类并根据需要设置特色图片(该图片将显示在单个事件页面上).


Navigate to Timetable > Settings to set the needed template mode:

  • 选择主题模式,如果你希望得到设计和谐,并有时间表风格与激活的主题设计集成;
  • select Developer mode if you want to apply your custom templates, actions, and filters.


Once all columns and events are added, you may proceed with adding your timetable to post, page or custom page template. Go to TinyMCE and add a shortcode generator:

WordPress table plugin.

Now you have to configure all shortcode settings properly:

  • 选择要在时间表中显示的内容-选择所需的列或/和事件和类别.

WordPress table plugin.

  • 定义应该在单个事件单元格中显示的内容,并勾选所有必需的选项:title, time, subtitle, description, the user.
  • Adjusting the visual side of your timetable, set the most optimal height for a cell’s content and font size.

WordPress table plugin.

  • Specify event time frame - it will be shown in the left Hours column of your table (e.g. 15 minutes time frame is better for multiple events).
  • Select a filter style - dropdown (more suitable for multiple events), or tabs so the users can quickly find all needed events. You can also edit the “All events” title for filters.

WordPress table plugin.

  • Choose whether to show or hide: “All events” option, left “Hours” column, empty rows (without events).
  • If the event title is linked to any external site, choose whether the link should be enabled.
  • Set text alignment for the content in the event cell.

WordPress table plugin.

  • If you want to display more than one different timetables on one page, you’ll need to specify the ID of each.
  • The last task is to choose how your timetable should be displayed on mobiles. 你有两个选择:表视图,所以你的时间表将看起来像一个可调整大小的表在手机上;

WordPress table plugin.

...or list view:

WordPress table plugin.

As for Upcoming Event widget, it appears in the sidebar in a compact view keeping colors of the original timetable. The widget is hidden when no upcoming events are scheduled.

WordPress table plugin.

时间表短代码的参数允许您为完全不同类型的不断重复或临时事件创建时间表, create different layouts and apply any suitable colors. For example, you can create an agenda for the conference and present it in a readable and stylish way:

WordPress table plugin.

Or create a seminars schedule for any classes:

WordPress table plugin.

With this WordPress table plugin by MotoPress, you can build a clean-looking event schedule for a bus station, gym classes, product presentation agenda, etc. The tool is totally free, non-tech friendly and recommended by many WordPress users. So, 如果你准备好让你的访问者从复杂和难以阅读的时间表格式导航中解脱出来, start plain sailing from here.

Wrapping It Up

Make use of these free and premium WordPress table plugins. Choose the one that fits the style of your eCommerce site. Feel free to download following the aforementioned links, as they are absolutely safe. As well, please, share in the comments about how they perform on your website. Any questions are also always welcome here!

Yet, what to do if you need help with a plugin installation? For this, and other challenges, there is Templateog体育首页 Services. 我们的专家知道如何解决最困难的问题,这些问题可能会减慢您的网站速度或导致其崩溃.

See All Services

So, based on our experience and customers’ needs we would like to recommend the WordPress Must-Have Plugins:

  1. Onpage SEO plugin to help you with SEO Optimization of your pages.
  2. Google Analytics plugin to track your visitors.
  3. Advanced editor for posts and pages to make editing easier.
  4. Image Optimizer to reduce the sizes of your images for the web without losing quality.
  5. Sitemap plugin to generate sitemap.并在你做任何改变后自动更新它(对搜索引擎至关重要).
  6. Plugin to change the login page URL in order to secure it from hackers' attacks.
  7. Plugin for customization of the admin panel.

We’ll install these plugins just for $79. This offer is already in your shopping cart! Check it now!

Best Plugins For A New WordPress Site [Free Ebook]

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The Best WordPress Table Plugins 2020: An Ultimate Talk FAQ

Why use WordPress table plugins?

Tables are widely used in different areas of business, as well as business sites. Especially, they can be often noticed in eCommerce.
Usually, building a website WordPress developers use HTML codes. Yet, if you are far from coding, find a WordPress table plugin that will suit your goal. There are lots of this kind. With the right one, you’ll easily add a catchy responsive pricing table or timetable. This will save your time greatly!

What is TablePress?

TablePress is a free open-source WordPress plugin. You can use it to create and manage diverse tables on your website. Your tables can contain data of any type, such as numbers, text, images, links, and even mathematical formulas!

What types of WordPress table plugins are?

The most popular type of WordPress table plugins are:
1. WP pricing table plugins. They provide comprehensive info about an offer in the most attractive way. Especially, they come in handy for those of you who run eCommerce sites.
2. WP时间表和事件安排插件保证了比Excel电子表格更好的用户体验, or schedule in PDF, for example. 它们中的大多数都提供可定制的事件日历或时间表,以提供分类事件.

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Jeremy Blackwood

Coffee addict, social media junkie, data miner contributing technical articles and informative pieces to og体育首页Post. Reach him on Medium.

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