Dryad - 园艺公司 Joomla 4&5 模板

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shoppingBag 减价出售: 165


Created: 2021年10月20日

Updated: 2023年11月29日

ID: 209564

og体育首页ONE - 无限制下载 $13.25/月

350k 项目 | 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support 加入后可下载此产品  免费

Dryad 是专门为您的公司设计的 Joomla 模板,用于处理园艺和其他户外维护服务,并为您提供各种独特的功能。

Dryad 基于 Bootstrap 框架制作,具有良好的视觉效果和专业工具,为您建立园艺公司提供了完美的起点。该模板可靠且易于访问,肯定会让访问者对您的产品和服务感兴趣,从而促进您的业务增长和扩展。 Dryad 为您提供自定义功能和细节的能力,还可以根据您自己的想法轻松进行编辑,以确保您的愿景和目标易于付诸实践。该模板将实用性与美观性结合到一个完全专业且完整的包中,使您能够拥有各种重要工具,这些工具都是为您公司的成功而精心设计的。



November 25, 2023

  • Updated Joomla from the quickinstall to 5x version (we also left the Joomla 4 quickinstall in case you prefer this version)
  • Updated free extensions to latest version
  • Updated Sp Page Builder Pro to latest 5x version (we also left the Sp Page Builder Pro 3 in case you prefer this version)

July 22, 2023

  • Updated Joomla from the quickinstall to latest version
  • Updated Sp Page Builder Pro to latest 3.X version - one step closer to Sp Page Builder 5 (next update)
  • Updated free extensions to latest version

January 15, 2023

  • Updated Joomla from the quickinstall to latest version
  • Updated Sp Page Builder Pro to latest version
  • Updated free extensions and plugins to latest version

10 Reviews for this product

What a fantastic template, I paid for the setup, as I wanted to make sure everyting was installed on my hosting company correctly. As soon as I purchased the template Dakota conatcted me and asked what my hos was etc and then he did everything, what a fantastic guy and service he even asked if I wanted any more help. He even checked back after the install. A total 5 Star service. Thank you Dakota!
Ich liebe dieses Template, weil es die grafischen Elemente so wunderbar animiert darstellt. Alles lässt sich mit dem Page Builder kinderleicht bearbeiten und sogar unsere Kunden können über die Frontend Bearbeitung des Page Builders Inhalte schnell und sicher austauschen. Dadurch, dass sich das Frontend Editing intuitiv verwenden lässt, müssen wir keine langen Einweisungen mehr machen und unsere Kunden können direkt loslegen, wie sie das auch schon von Wordpress kennen. Insgesamt ist dieses Template eine echte Bereicherung und sehr zu empfehlen!
It is a very nice template with many options. You should have experience in Helix template setting and sp page builder.
Thank. Very good template. easy to install and very simply to use.
It is a nice theme with many options. You should have experience in Helix template setting and sp page builder or even have time to learn how to use it.

0 Comments for this product


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Customer Support

4.5 /5
Support rating (20 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 16 4 2 3 0 2 0 1 2
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


Joomla Builder:

Joomla! Compatibility:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:

Web Server Compatibility:

Database Server Compatibility: