Cookie Policy


The Cookie Policy (“Policy”) explains in what ways and when we use cookies on the site templatemonster.Com及其所有子域名. In the Policy regulations, we will refer to Tempateog体育首页.com and other sites that Templateog体育首页 Group operates as “Websites”, i.e. all resources that are somehow related to this Policy.

The Templateog体育首页 Group and all marketing partners, affiliates, analytics, and services providers use cookies to deliver online services, 改善营销活动, and guarantee that everyone using these Websites has the best user experience.


A cookie is a small file made up of numbers and letters. It’s used to store information on your device as you visit our website. 有两种不同类型的cookie:

  • Session cookies that are used during a single site visit.
  • Persistent cookies that are stored during the repeat visits.



Our website uses cookies in order to differentiate you from the rest of our visitors. We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience. Thanks to cookies, we can improve our website and make your browsing sessions more enjoyable. The cookies are set as you take different actions on our site. For example, 其中一些是在用户打开我们的网站时使用的, others are activated when you click on the buttons, 访问产品页面, “喜欢”我们的内容或在社交媒体上分享.

我们用什么饼干? 为了什么目的?

This is the complete list of cookies that we use on our websites:

  • 必要的cookie文件. The purpose of these cookies is to deliver the requested service, application, or resource. Any of your requests cannot be done properly without these cookies. In general, their purpose is to manage the actions you perform on our website, e.g., they help you get visual elements, use page resources, and sign in to your account. 除了设置基本功能之外, 用这些饼干, we can ensure the security and efficiency of our website.
  • 分析cookie文件. The purpose of these cookies is to provide quantitative data on user interactions with our website. Also, these cookie files collect information that is used to track website performance. Usually, they do not collect sensitive information and provide us only with general statistics, 比如不同页面的访问量, 流量来源, and conversion rate to help us improve website performance. By disabling these cookies, we will not be able to identify you as a visitor.
  • 广告cookie文件. These cookies are set by our advertising partners in order to provide behavioral advertising and remarketing analytics. They collect browsing information to build user profiles and run personalized advertising. 当您访问其他网站时, you will see customized ads based on your profile created according to your interests and behavior.

我可以禁用Cookies吗?? How?

You can enable and disable cookies in your browser settings. Visit the site to learn how to opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites that you visit.

如果你在欧洲,请访问 for more details about advertising cookies and their management.


Visit 以便启用/禁用cookie.
If you are looking for more details about the ways to manage cookies, refer to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office website.


Follow these instructions in order to enable cookies in your web browsers.


  1. 导航到浏览器窗口的顶部. Click “Tools” > “Settings”.
  2. 选择“显示高级设置”. Scroll down until you reach the “Privacy” section, and choose “Content Settings”.
  3. 点击“允许设置本地数据”, 以便接受第一方cookie, and select “Block all third-party cookies without exception”.

微软Internet Explorer浏览器

  1. 导航到浏览器窗口的顶部. 点击“工具”,选择“Internet选项”. 接下来单击“隐私”选项卡.
  2. In order to use cookies in your browser, the level of your privacy should be set to Medium or Lower.
  3. Setting it above the medium level, the cookies won’t be used.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. 选择浏览器窗口顶部的“工具”. 选择“选项”.
  2. 点击“隐私”图标.
  3. Select “Cookies” and click “Allow pages to create a cookie.”


  1. Find the gear icon at the top of the browser window. 选择“设置”.
  2. Click the “Privacy” tab and choose “Disable the use of cookies by third parties and advertising cookies.”
  3. Click “Save”.


Consider the following steps in order to enable cookies on our website.

微软Internet Explorer浏览器 (OSX)

  1. Find “Explorer” at the top of your browser winder. 选择“设置”.
  2. In the “Received Files”, scroll down to the “Cookies” section.
  3. 点击“不要问”.”

Safari on OSX

  1. 点击浏览器窗口顶部的“Safari”. 点击“设置”.
  2. 选择“隐私”,然后点击“启用cookies”.”
  3. 选择“仅访问您访问过的页面”.”


  1. Click “Mozilla” or “Netscape” at the top of the browser window. 点击“设置”.
  2. 向下滚动到“隐私”下面的“cookie” & Security”.
  3. 单击“只允许原始站点使用cookie”.”


  1. 点击浏览器窗口上方的“菜单”. 点击“设置”.
  2. 选择“选项”,然后点击“高级”.
  3. 选择“启用cookies”.”


Disabling cookies that are necessary for the website’s proper operation, 网页也无法加载. Those are the cookies that are intended to enhance your site browsing experience.
Disabling cookies that remember your preferences or analytics, we won’t be able to provide you with the relevant information. If you disable all cookies (including the essential ones), then you won’t be able to access all parts of our website. However, disabling cookies won’t deactivate web beacons and other trackers. Still, the web beacons’ functionality will be limited.


We may bring changes to the privacy policy once in a while. This may happen as a result of changes in the law or as a result of changes in our services. All of such changes will be added to this statement. 所以,时不时地检查一下.

Contact Us

If you have any sort of questions or concerns about the way Templateog体育首页 uses cookies and tracking technologies, 那你可以随时给我们写信